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Fairchild Television and Talentvision Accessibility Plan 2023 – 2026

Fairchild Television and Talentvision have developed a 3-year plan in partnership with people with disabilities to eliminate and prevent workplace barriers.

To request permission for commercial use of Fairchild Television and Talentvision materials or to inquire about copyright ownership and limitations, please contact the Administration Managers through the contact below:

Fairchild Television / Talentvision
Unit 3300-4151 Hazelbridge Way
Richmond, B.C, V6X 4J7
Telephone : 833-502-2177
Email : access@fairchildtv.com

Alternate formats

Fairchild Television and Talentvision accessibility plan can be provided in the following formats upon request:

  • Print
  • Large Print
  • Electronic Format that is compatible with adaptive technology

Within 15 days upon a request

  • Braille
  • Audio version

Within 45 days upon a request

Download the PDF file.

1. General

1.1.Mission statement

At Fairchild Television and Talentvision (collectively referred as “FTV”), we are committed to creating a barrier-free organization for persons with disabilities, ensuring that individuals have an equitable access to our services and facilities as well as reflecting disability in our program content to promote an accessible and inclusive environment. We believe that accessibility benefits not only people with disabilities but also the wider community. We strive to build a welcoming workplace where all employees can thrive and contribute regardless of their abilities. We are bringing together individuals with different perspectives to advocate for an inclusive, respectful and safe workplace for everyone.


The Accessibility Canada Act (ACA) came into effect in July 2019. The objective of ACA is “Nothing without us” and it recognizes that persons with disabilities are equal participants in all areas of life. The resulting Accessible Canada Act is a landmark federal legislation that aims to realize a barrier-free Canada by 2040. In order to achieve this goal, each federally regulated entity, including Fairchild Television and Talentvision, is required to prepare and publish an accessibility plan (hereinafter referred to as “the FTV Accessibility Plan”) by June 1, 2023.

FTV Accessibility Plan reflects our objectives and obligations as both a federally regulated company and a national Chinese Television (media). As such, we are subject to two different regulations: the ACA and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Accessibility Reporting Regulations. In line with our commitment to accessibility and inclusion, this 3-year Accessibility Plan outlines how we identify, prevent, and remove barriers in the areas described in Section 5 of the ACA for persons with disabilities.

  • Employment
  • The built environment
  • Transportation
  • The design and delivery of programs and services
  • Information and communication technologies (ICT)
  • Communication (other than ICT)
  • The procurement of goods, services and facilities

1.3.Feedback Process

Feedback process is a key contributor to help us identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility. The process refines and improves on how we consult persons with disabilities in preparing our plans and progress reports. It also ensures that the planning and reporting documents we publish are accessible, informative and written in language that is simple, clear and concise.

FTV is committed to creating an open and transparent feedback process for not only employees, but also our viewers and the public. Any individual can use any of the means listed below to contact FTV to provide feedback on accessibility.

Individuals can provide feedback anonymously. Anonymous feedback can allow certain contributors to provide feedback without fear of possible repercussions for doing so, such as employees, including those with disabilities, who have concerns about privacy or individuals belonging to equity-seeking groups who are more likely to experience certain kinds of barriers.

  • Mail : Feedback by mail can be sent to the following address :
    Fairchild Television / Talentvision
    Unit 3300-4151 Hazelbridge Way
    Richmond, B.C, V6X 4J7
  • Telephone : Feedback can be provided by calling 833-502-2177
  • Email : Feedback can also be submitted by sending email to : access@fairchildtv.com
  • Feedback form on our website : All individuals can provide feedback through the form available on FTV website : www.fairchildtv.com/accessibility/form.php

Upon the receipt of feedback, the Administration Manager of Vancouver head office, a representative of Accessibility Plan Committee, will acknowledge the receipt of all non-anonymous feedback by the same means in which we receive it within 7 working days. We will contact and follow up with the feedback provider.

FTV will ensure all feedback is organized, analyzed, shared with the Accessibility Plan Committee and relevant teams in the organization for their consideration, preserved and used to prevent and remove barriers in a timely manner. FTV keeps electronic or print copies of all feedback for at least 7 years from the day on which we receive it.

These communication channels can also be used to request for a copy of our Accessibility Plan or Feedback Process in alternate formats. Within 15 days of a request, a print, large print and electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology will be provided. Braille and audio format will be submitted within 45 days of a request.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

The development and implementation of the Accessibility Plan for 2023-2026 falls on each and every employee at FTV. Below outlines the specific roles, responsibilities and expectations over the course of the next three years.

Accessibility Plan Committee : Members of the committee have key roles in the overall development of the plan, including to

  • participate actively and constructively at meetings;
  • engage in an open discussion surrounding the development of the Accessibility Plan
  • identify barriers and strategic solutions to remove them;
  • identify priorities and actions to be included in the Plan;
  • provide advice on disability issues, inclusion and accessibility that will be used in the Plan, and;
  • review and provide feedback on the drafts of the Plan.

Management : Role of the management is to lead the charge in creating an inclusive organization where everyone, including persons with disabilities, can participate fully and equitably. Management takes a proactive approach to accessibility, ensuring that it is a part of our organizational culture and that accessibility is built into all aspects of the operations. Management is committed to providing necessary resources and support to develop, implement and monitor the progress of Accessibility Plan. Management will ensure that FTV will comply with the accessibility standards set forth in the plan and the regulations.

Administration Managers : In collaboration with the Accessibility Plan Committee, the Administration Managers are responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of the FTV Accessibility Plan. Administration Managers will assign the actions outlined in the plan to the correct groups and lead frequent progress check-ins. The Administration Managers will monitor the progress and identify any opportunities for improvement.

Department Heads : Department heads' role will expand beyond daily operational duties. They play a vital role in employees' adoption and acceptance of a culture that supports accessible day-to-day operations. Department heads will be communicators, coaches, liaison and active proponents of accessibility.

Employees: All employees play a part in the success of the FTV Accessibility Plan. In order to foster an accessible culture within our workforce, they should :

  • Adopt the behaviors encouraged in the accessibility plan;
  • Advocate change by soliciting interest and support; and,
  • Openly communicate with management about any concerns/barriers, or potential opportunities.

3. Consultations

The experiences of people with disabilities propelled and guided the development of this plan from the beginning. We are committed to consulting people with disabilities internally and externally. Below is the recap of the consultations we did in 2022 and 2023 :


Employees : An open invitation was sent to all employees via newsletter in accessible format in early 2023 to encourage employees to express their views on accessibility.

Accessibility Plan Committee : Established in 2022, the committee comprises employees with different types of disabilities as well as representatives from various departments - News, Production, Promotion, Programming and Human Resources & Administration, who specialize in particular accessibility subjects. The committee holds monthly meeting to review the progress. The format of the meeting - via Zoom, is consulted and agreed by all the members to ensure everyone can participate without barrier. Regular individual consultations with each representation are conducted throughout the entire consultation period with accommodation in place.

Individual Consultation with Employees with Disabilities : One-on-one consultation has been arranged to respect employee's privacy and facilitate an exclusive and accommodating environment to encourage employees with disabilities to have an open communication without fear of possible repercussions. Feedback was sought from employees with different kinds of disabilities, including:

-employee A, who is a wheelchair user ;
-employee B, who is visually impaired ;
-employee C, who is suffering from mental health issue ;
-employee D, who is with chronic illness.
Their insights on the accessibility of company's policies, programs, and facilities were the key findings for drafting the plan.


Richmond Centre of Disability (RCD) : An accessibility assessment was conducted by the RCD on February 24, 2023 at our Vancouver location. The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate and audit the built environment. The evaluation was conducted by a RCD Accessibility Specialist. RCD provided an assessment report to us in March 2023.

Public Service Announcement (PSA) : A public consultation was conducted through a 15-second PSA aired in both broadcasting languages, Cantonese and Mandarin, along with American Sign Language, from March 30 to April 30, 2023. The PSA aimed at encouraging the public and our audience to provide us with feedback. This PSA has been endorsed by RCD.

4. Pillars and Actions

Outlined below are the barriers identified in each pillar through these consultations, as well as concrete actions that will be taken to remove and/or prevent the barriers. A joint effort across FTV's various departments will be taken to ensure that these actionable items are implemented over the course of the next three years (2023-2026).


Where Are We

FTV's dedication to enhancing the representation of people with disabilities in the workforce is evident in our employment statistics. As per our 2022 employment equity report, FTV has a workforce comprising 8.0% employees with disabilities, which is on par with the market availability.

What Are We Doing

FTV is committed to maintaining a diverse workforce, including increasing the representation of people with disabilities. We have implemented various employment initiatives to create a welcoming and accessible environment for all employees regardless of their disabilities.


FTV has engaged in outreach efforts with community service providers which primarily serve people with disability. We partner extensively with Richmond Centre of Disability (RCD) and Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) to seek for any referral from their client pool whenever there is a job opening. FTV participated in the RCD job fair in August 2022 and met some potential applicants. In the past few years, we successfully recruited some RCD clients. These employees with disabilities not only contribute work value to FTV but also help us build an inclusive culture in the workplace.

Job posting

FTV is committed to providing accommodation throughout the hiring process. For our job posting, we state that candidates are encouraged to contact the Administration Managers for any accommodation needed, such as choice of Zoom or in-person interview, extra time and special tools for skills testing.

Employment equity

FTV encourages open and transparent communication and reminds employees annually to update their employment equity status. All new employees are also required to complete the employment equity survey.

Diversity & inclusion

FTV has formulated a three-year Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Communication Project (2021-2023) and selected specific themes as a corporate campaign across different platforms each year. Campaign starts internally from staff activities and further extends to content reflection in program production. In 2021, the theme was National Indigenous Month and Mental Health Campaign in 2022. In 2023, it is the Accessibility Campaign.

Job Accommodation

FTV has an Accommodation Policy in place, and strives to fulfill all reasonable accommodations within three months. Employee with disability is invited to have a site visit in the workplace prior to the employment date, in order to identify and make necessary adjustments in workstations, common facilities, job routines and job trainings. Examples of accommodations include accessible parking spots, flexible work schedule to adapt to the HandyDart schedule as well as hybrid mode under extreme weather or strike.


FTV is committed to providing career support to ensure all employees have the capacity to reach their career goals through job mobility and promotions. This includes mentorship, equal access to career advancement opportunities for employees with disabilities and supports for career development with accommodation in place, if any.

Company policies and protocol

FTV has incorporated the needs of people with different kinds of disabilities into its current company policies and protocols. For example, our Emergency Preparedness Procedures attend to the needs of people with mobility or visual impairments. Special aiders are assigned for employees with disability to assist them in fire or earthquake drills. Trial run of the drill with these employees is arranged beforehand to ensure we can identify and remove any barriers before the actual drill.

The Way Forward

In our first three-year Accessibility Plan, we have set forth two objectives that will guide our efforts to enhance the representation of people with disabilities in our workforce and promote workplace wellness. These objectives are:
  • Maintain and ultimately achieve over market availability for the percentage of people with disabilities in our workforce.
  • Increase awareness surrounding workplace wellness for people with disabilities, by leveraging a culture that understands, respects, promotes an inclusion for everyone.
In order to achieve the objectives, we have developed specific actions in each area:


Short Term :
  • Continue to strengthen our collaboration with community service providers.
  • Seek for employment support to recruit people with disabilities and facilitate accommodation in workplace. In Vancouver, we will collaborate with RCD on the Employment & Empowerment Project, which offers a 12-week placement program for individuals aged 16 to 30. In Toronto, we will explore the Youth Job Connection program which provides paid job placements and supports services to youth between the ages of 15 and 29 who face multiple barriers to employment, including disability.
Long Term :
  • Ride on the Pay Equity Plan, revisit job grouping and explore regrouping and reassigning job duties to enhance engagements with individuals with disabilities.

Employment Equity

Short Term :
Review the employment equity survey to update the terminology and scope. Alternate forms will be provided upon request.
Embed the equity elements in the Accessibility campaign in June 2023 that will attest to a culture of open discussion where employees feel comfortable to self-identify, especially on invisible disabilities.

Diversity and Inclusion

Short Term :
Launch an Accessibility Campaign in June 2023, coinciding with National Accessibility Week (May 28 to June 3) with staff and production initiatives to promote and celebrate inclusivity of our community.

Long Term :
Include accessibility as part of the Employment Equity Corporate theme annually.

Job Accommodation

Short Term :
Update the Accommodation Policy.

Promote the importance of job accommodation and remove stigma in the Accessibility Campaign.

Company Policies and protocol

Short Term :
Provide alternative formats, including large print and font size of 14 or higher, as well as any other preferred formats upon request.

Long Term :
Adapt all company policies and protocols to include people with disabilities and ensure they will be consulted and be part of the team to initiate or draft any new policy.

4.2.The Built Environment

Where Are We

We operate two locations in Vancouver and Toronto which are leased and run around the clock. Accessibility across our built environment portfolio differs from region to region based on the various municipal, provincial, and territorial building codes, as well as the year of construction.

While the barriers experienced in our physical spaces are noted, FTV is actively engaged in identifying, removing and preventing barriers through various mean.

Identify existing barriers:
  • FTV hired an accessibility consultant to evaluate our facilities in 2015. In February 2023, we partnered with RCD to audit our workplace in Vancouver to prioritize our Accessibility Plan based on the flagged issues.
  • In-depth assessment and feedback from employees with different kinds of impairments was considered for modification in the built environment in both Vancouver and Toronto offices.
  • We encourage managers and employees to identify workplace adaptations in the built environment.

What We Learnt

According to the accessibility audit for both locations, we identified areas we can further improve in our workplace. However, given the year of construction and the built structure of Toronto office which used to be a warehouse, we face some challenges to revamp the infrastructure for accessibility.

According to the Accessibility Assessment conducted by RCD in February 2023, we learned that FTV's physical space is rated as partially accessible for individuals in wheelchairs, with a rating of 3.5 to 4 on a scale of 1-5. This rating scheme is based on the B.C. Building Access Handbook 2020.

A rating of 3.0 to 4.5 means that the corresponding sites display a high level of accessibility for all, except for individuals with severe disabilities. Partially accessible means that individuals using mobility aids can access the facility, but some areas may present greater challenges and may not be fully accessible for everyone.

What We Are Doing

FTV is committed to providing an accessible built environment for all employees and visitors. We recognize the importance of creating a fully accessible environment and will continue to prioritize accessibility in all aspects of our operations. Here are a few highlights for both locations:
  • Removed obstructions from interior paths and pantry.
  • Implemented dimmable lighting and adjustable computer mounts.
  • Replaced door hardware to improve ease of use.
  • Implemented ergonomic furniture standards for individual workstations and collaborative work spaces, including adjustable height furniture and soft seating.
  • Designated accessible parking spots are available.
In Vancouver office, below actions have been taken :
  • Installed an accessible washroom on site, located in the office area, with a minimum 1600 mm wide by 1500 mm deep and a maneuvering space of 1500mm x 1500mm in front of the stall, and grab bars on the back and side wall beside the toilet.
  • The internal halls and pathways meet accessibility standards, with a minimum clear pathway of 920 mm and ample space of at least 1500 mm x 1500 mm in high traffic areas. The flooring and signage in the facility have high visibility due to the appropriate contrast in color, brightness, and texture. The emergency exit signage is easily visible and clearly marked, facilitating easy evacuation in case of emergency. Overall, the internal pathways of the facility are fully accessible.

Prevent new barriers

We involve people with different kinds of disabilities in assessing accessibility needs from the outset of any renovation or build projects, such as upgrades to studios or editing rooms.

In terms of ergonomics, we incorporate the best ergonomic practices in the development of our corporate furniture standards. In addition to preventing accessibility issues, we put through thoughtful choices of furniture. Employees have to complete ergonomic training, and have access to self-serve ergonomic resources. These resources are complemented by the availability of ergonomic assessments to support employees with tailored recommendations adapted to their needs.

Remove barriers

To remove barriers, we prioritize accessibility for visitors and guests who visit our workplace for enquiries, meetings, interviews, and recordings. We have identified entrances, wayfinders, and amenity spaces such as washrooms and meeting rooms as common sites of accessibility barriers.

Job accommodations will be provided for each employee with a disability, and adaptations to the built environment, such as individual workstations, pantry, and washroom facilities, will be made prior to employment.

It has come to our knowledge that information about the accessibility of our physical spaces can be difficult to find for visitors and employees. Therefore, we will make efforts to improve accessibility of information related to our built environment, making it more easily retrievable.

The Way Forward

Short Term

Physical Workplace in both offices :
  • Door Knobs : Although most pathways are accessible, knob handles on most doors leading to different rooms pose a challenge for individuals with limited dexterity. We will replace these knob handles in common areas with lever handles and install handles for sliding doors to improve their ease of use.
  • Accessible Washroom : -To promote inclusivity, all washrooms will be changed to universal in our office facility, providing greater access to those who require it. -Accessories such as an extra hook in accessible level will be anchored in existing accessible washroom to enhance functionality. -In order to aid accessibility and orientation, we will include additional signage pointing to the accessible washroom located in the mall and within our office.
  • Additional Measures for Accessibility in Common Areas : we will adjust the position of some fixtures such as bulletin board to ensure it is placed at eye-level for people in wheelchair or with visual impairment. We will ensure office supplies are accessible to all employees, for example, extra coffee/tea stock is kept in a reachable level for staff with mobility impairment.
  • Elevators and Escalators (Vancouver) : The parkade elevator serves all levels within the mall, and escalators provide access to three mall levels. However, due to the inaccessibility by people using wheelchairs or mobility aids, more signage is needed for the escalators near the street entrance to the mall. Clear and informative signs would enable people in wheelchair to locate the elevator on the north side of the building easily. We will convey this suggestion to the mall management for their consideration.
  • Access to the office reception (Toronto) : we will provide a portable ramp for wheelchair as there is a staircase right in front of our office entrance.
Policies and Procedures
In order to ensure employees with disability are aware of and have access to all resources required to be successful in the workplace, we will :
  • promote the duty to accommodate process;
  • provide full accommodation to employees within the established service standards and timeframe;
  • review the assessment, evaluation, training, technical support and available information related to individual accommodation; and
  • develop the best practices, training and guidance for the efficient use of office space.

Long Term

The main entrance of FTV is located on the third level of Aberdeen Centre Mall which can be accessed by elevators in the north side of the building. The front entrance is at least 900 mm wide but it is not automatic and requires a pull handle to open. To enhance accessibility, we will install an automatic door for the front entrance that can be controlled by the receptionist. This modification would enable individuals using different mobility aids to access the front area with ease.


Transportation is not a key area of FTV's accessibility evaluation, and had minimal implications for our employees as the majority of employees do not rely on FTV as part of their daily job duties.

For news or production crew members with accessibility needs who are required to work on location, we have identified this as a potential barrier in this category. To address this issue, we will focus on improving our accommodation process, which will allow us to better support our crew members based on their individual needs to assess the accessible transportation options.

4.4. Design and Delivery of Program and Service

Where Are We

Fairchild TV and Talentvision operate three channels, namely FTV1, FTV2, and TTV. FTV1 and FTV2 cater to Cantonese audiences, while Talentvision mainly serves Mandarin-speaking viewers.

Fairchild TV broadcasts two types of programs: local productions and programs sourced from external vendors from Asia. FTV1 and FTV2 mainly air Cantonese dramas and variety shows from TVB and ViuTV in Hong Kong with some Korean dramas dubbed into Cantonese. Local productions of FTV1 and FTV2 include news and current affairs programs such as Daily News, Magazine 26 and Media Focus, as well as informative programs like What's On and Entertainment Circle.

Talentvision (TTV), on the other hand, focuses on Mandarin programs, broadcasts shows mainly from China and Taiwan. TTV also produces its own programs, including news and current affairs shows such as Daily News, Straits Today and My Country, My Home as well as informative programs like Urban Life and Mandarin Profile. Due to the CRTC requirements, TTV also provides Vietnamese programs on a daily basis.

What Are We Doing

Below are the highlights of our programs with accessible format for viewers with hearing impairments:
  • Over 85% of programs on FTV2 are fully subtitled or with closed captioning and 65% on FTV1. The dramas and variety shows sourced externally are fully subtitled and most of them are with closed captioning.
  • TTV provides 50% of airtime with full subtitles or with closed captioning service while there is no accessible format for Vietnamese program.
  • The iconic and most popular in-house production namely, Live Broadcast of Daily News is fully subtitled except for the tags between stories and the anchor's lines.
  • However, due to the limited resources, most of our locally produced programs only provide subtitles for non-Chinese voiceovers or sound bites.
  • For certain programs which are interview-based such as Chatting Platform, Straits Today and Expert's Hour, the non-scripted free flow conversations and live broadcast format pose a huge challenge for us to provide closed captioning for the on-air version.

The Way Forward

It is essential for us to increase the percentage of programs with closed captioning for viewers with hearing impairment. Ultimately, we aim at providing programs with more accessible formats such as described video for viewers with visual disability.

However, this is a long-term goal that has to be implemented gradually, considering the challenge of limited resources, such as manpower for dubbing and closed captioning. Unlike English programming, the software and technology which can generate captions automatically and accurately in both Cantonese and Mandarin is lacking in the market. Therefore, we need a plan to identify the priority, assess resources, and create a roadmap to achieve the goal in the long run.

Apart from providing the accessible format for audience with different kinds of disabilities, we will also produce content about accessibility to enhance awareness of diversity and inclusion in the Canadian Chinese community.

Local Production

Accessible Format

Enhance the ratio of local productions with closed captioning except for live shows and interview-based programs. Please refer to the actions to be taken below :
  • Short term :
    Magazine 26, Timeline Magazine and Urban Life
  • Mid term :
    Media Focus, What's On and Entertainment Circle

Content Reflection

Produce public service announcements (PSAs) and informative segments on a regular basis to inspire our local audiences on the importance of accessibility to build a respectful community for everyone.

Sourcing of overseas programs

  • Increase the percentage of overseas programs with accessible formats, such as closed captions and described video.
  • Source overseas programs to reflect and promote accessibility.

4.5. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

FTV recognizes the importance of accessible ICT and is committed to ensuring that we meet accessibility requirements. This includes procurement, development, design, and use of ICT (including hardware and software) across the organization. ICT is also one of the tools to help us deliver our programs and services in accessible format.

Where Are We

  • WCAG 2.0 provides guidelines for web accessibility, aimed at improving access to web content for individuals with disabilities. The FTV corporate website currently meets 70% of WCAG 2.0 A and 50% of WCAG 2.0 AAA criteria.
  • The website lacks certain accessible features, including font resizing and alternate attributes.
  • Limited accessibility feature of our internal IT systems.

What We Learnt

Corporate Website
During our website evaluation using online Web Accessibility Testing tool and the feedback provided by our in-house IT specialists, we have identified some areas that require improvement:
  • Active area element must have alternate text : Any non-text content that is clickable or interactive (e.g., buttons, links, etc.) should have a text alternative that describes its function or purpose.
  • Element must have sufficient color contrast : The contrast between text and its background should be strong enough to ensure that all users, including those with visual impairments, can read and understand the content.
  • Id attribute value must be unique : HTML id attributes should be unique to ensure that assistive technologies can accurately identify and navigate specific elements on a page.
  • Ensure every HTML document has a lang attribute : The HTML "lang" attribute should be used to identify the primary language used on a web page, which is important for assistive technologies and search engines.
  • Ensure "img" elements have alternate text or a role of none or presentation : All images should have an alternative text description or have a role of "none" or "presentation" if the image does not convey any meaningful content.
  • Image button must have alternate text : image buttons (e.g., submit buttons) should have a text alternative that describes their functions.
  • Form elements must have label : All form elements, such as input fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons, should have a label associated with them to provide context and help users understand what information is being requested.
  • Ensures links have discernible text : Links should have descriptive text that accurately reflects the contents they are linking to, rather than generic text like "click here" or "read more."
  • Ensures select element has an accessible name : Select elements (dropdown menus) should have an accessible name that describes their purpose, so that assistive technologies can identify and navigate them accurately.

Tools and Software

Many of the tools and software used have built-in accessibility capabilities but are not being used in an accessible way due to the lack of training of our in-house IT team and employees. Accessibility features, which are widely available on commonly used software (Microsoft, Adobe etc.) and hardware such as PCs and cell phones, are not known by users since they don't know the existence of these functions.

The Way Forward

Corporate Website

Short term:
FTV aims at meeting the of WCAG 2.0 AA standard for our online accessibility webpage and prioritizing specify areas which are most frequently used by viewers, with the below measures:
  • The Accessibility Plan page (www.fairchildtv.com/accessibility.php) features an onboard text size modification tool.
  • Add id attributes for all forms on the FTV accessibility website.
  • The visual design includes color tone, relative font sizes, with a minimum of 16pt, which is currently at 14pt.
  • All links to external sources such as the online forms and secured websites will open in a new window.
  • Alternate attributes will be added to key icons, such as the Daily News archive and Event banners, to enhance accessibility for users who rely on assistive technologies.
Long Term:
  • We will revamp the entire website, with consultation with IT specialists and people with different kinds of disability, to ensure our online platform is in full compliance with WCAG 2.0 AA standard.
  • Explore online AI tool in the long run to provide a cost efficient and user friendly tool for us in order to monitor the compliance of our website with WCAG 2.0 AA standard and make any revision.

Internal IT Systems

  • Review the current IT systems to enhance the accessibility features such as onboard text size modification tool.
  • Develop a consultation process for employees with disability when introducing new tools or softwares.

Internal Training

  • Provide training to IT employees to increase accessibility knowledge in order to adapt the services and interactions.
  • Deliver and promote end-user training on using accessibility features on available programs and hardware such as font enlargement on screen, activate reader on MS Word or the accessibility function on cell phone. This is particular helpful for employees with mild impairments as they may not actively seek for adaptive tools.

4.6. Communication (Other than ICT: Non-web document and other non-ICT communications)

Ensuring that a broad range of communication options is available to accommodate diverse disabilities is essential for FTV's Accessibility Plan. To achieve this goal, the following actions will be taken:

Internal Communication
  • Communication alternatives for employees will be available for those who don't easily have access to a computer/network. All staff communications on the bulletin board will be made in an enlarged font size to improve readability.
  • Provide transcripts/meeting notes for all staff meetings and trainings, whether conducted in-person or virtually, to ensure that all employees have access to the necessary information.
  • Share the recordings of Zoom meetings so that employees can review the content at their convenience in an accessible format.
  • Encourage managers to engage with employees to understand their accessibility needs and ensure that their teams communicate with those barriers in mind.
  • Upon request, internal communications will be made available in Braille, electronic format, large print, or audio format to accommodate different accessibility needs.
  • Develop a feedback mechanism to address barriers in communication methods, tools or internal and external products.
  • Employees will receive trainings on interacting with individuals with disabilities, including proper etiquettes and the removal of any stigmas associated with accessibility.
  • Increase awareness of the importance of accessibility through the publication of internal articles and corporate communications.
External Communication
  • To ensure that everyone has equal access to FTV's services and programs, we will provide registration and game forms in multiple formats, including online, over the phone, through mail, or in person.

4.7. Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities

In the context of the procurement of goods, services, and facilities, our Accessibility Plan focuses on two main areas: Internal Training and Procurement Procedures. It has been observed that not all procurement employees are adequately equipped or feel comfortable in assisting individuals with disabilities in cases of workplace accommodation. Here is our plan of actions:
  • Establish training for the managers who are involved in sourcing to ensure accessibility is considered at the early stages of the procurement process, which includes procurement accessibility awareness.
  • A list of contractors comprising people with disabilities will be sourced, and during the bidding process, these contractors will be included from the onset.
  • The procurement process for goods purchased will be reviewed through consultations with end-users to consider accessibility.
  • The event location will be an accessible venue with accessible seats to facilitate wheelchair users.
  • Accessibility will be included as one of the criteria whenever there is a need to work on location or relocate our service to new location.

5. Monitoring Progress

Fairchild Television's Accessibility Plan represents our ongoing commitment in collaboration with people with disabilities to creating an accessible environment and culture, for all employees, visitors, and viewers in the long term.

We welcome feedback from our employees, viewers, and the public throughout the initial and monitoring process. We will continue to work with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that we are equipped with the right knowledge to implement the vision and realize our mission statement, eliminate barriers, and put the proposed actions into place.

Administration Managers will report on progress made on the Accessibility Plan to the management and Accessibility Plan Committee on a quarterly basis. FTV will submit the following reports to the Accessibility Canada Act (ACA) Commission and Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) :

  • the initial progress report by June 1, 2024
  • second progress report by June 1, 2025
  • an updated Accessibility Plan by June 1. 2026
Moving forward, we will continue to prioritize accessibility and inclusivity in all aspects of our operations, striving to remove any remaining barriers that prevent individuals with disabilities from fully participating in our services and facilities.