Toronto News Anchors and Program Hosts
張驊 Hua Zhang
HobbyCooking, photography
AspirationsTo become a better journalist in this fast-changing world
MottoYou have something to learn from everyone
Experience in news reporting10 years Fairchild TV news reporter and writer
Most memorable interview/ reporting experienceFormer Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s political career, drug scandal and subsequent death by illness
Person you most wish to interviewCanada’s Public Health Officer Theresa Tam
Most impactful/ memorable news report/ eventThe global transformation due to COVID-19 pandemic
Name one global social issue you most wish to resolveDeveloping countries’ pollution and waste management issues
News programs you have previously participated in (production or hosting)Daily News, Cityview, Mandarin Profile
News programs you are currently participating in (production or hosting)Daily News, Cityview, Mandarin Profile