Toronto Program Host | Fairchild TV
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Toronto Program Host

Rachel Wong

黃萃華    Rachel Wong

ProfessionDigital Communications & Social Media Specialist

Personal mottoOne does not simply become a master of karate. First, you must accidentally walk into a spider web.

InterestsPlaying/singing in a band, Muay Thai, Skiing

Childhood dream(s)To be a journalist

How did you enter the industryParticipated in Fairchild TV’s Those Days • These Songs Singing Contest Season 2

Favorite singer(s)Jacky Cheung, Train

Favorite book(s)Canadian Press Style Guide

Favorite foodCoffee

The most perfect dayEnjoying a day out on the slopes, and ending it with a cup of hot chocolate in the chalet

Most memorable experience everWent kayaking. Even though my kayak tipped and my phone and car keys in the water and got swept away, I still had lots of fun!

First jobVideo Editor

First performing/hosting experienceRadio host on campus radio station, MC for some local night markets, performed with my band at my friend’s wedding

The most important person or thing to youMy dog!

Most desirable traveling destiny(country)Alaska, Iceland

What Fairchild program(s) do you participate at nowWhat’s On