Toronto Program Host | Fairchild TV
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Toronto Program Host

David Ruan

阮駿龍    David Ruan


ProfessionFreelance Web Designer

Personal mottoDon’t be afraid, tell me your thoughts

InterestsSinging, playing basketball

Childhood dream(s)Own a brand

How did you enter the industryAttending Fairchild TV’s Those Days • These Songs Singing Contest Season 2

Favorite singer(s)Jay Fung, Hins Cheung

Favorite book(s)Exuberance The Passion for Life

Favorite foodBeef

Most memorable experience everSinging my idol’s song in front of him

First jobWeb Designer

The most important person or thing to youThe first singing competition I went this year, allowed me to meet new friends that gave me inspiration and motivation

Most desirable traveling destiny(country)France

What Fairchild program(s) have you participated atWhat’s On